MadMadness 2021 Campaign

At the heart of the campaign lies the Chromatic Revolution
a manifesto of sartorial freedom and unapologetic expression.

MadMadness dares fashion enthusiasts to break free from monotonous hues and embrace a riotous array of colors.

The studio becomes a portal to a parallel universe, where the aesthetics of the future and the Y2K era harmoniously coexist.

My photo series showcases a cyber dreamscape that seamlessly blends sleek minimalism with retro-futuristic elements.

La Visión's Cyber Y2K pants take center stage in this captivating series. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, each pair of pants captures the essence of the era while infusing it with a modern twist. 


Valentina Mina's bachelor project delves into the experiences of individuals who have grown up without the guiding presence of a mother. The profound sense of loss and longing is delicately conveyed through each piece of clothing designed with care and compassion. The absence of maternal love, though a difficult subject, finds a form of expression through the artistry of fashion, encapsulating the raw emotions that remain etched in the hearts of the lost children.

The Power of Warm Lighting​:

In perfect synergy with the earth-toned clothing, the warm lighting in the photo series exudes an aura of tenderness and compassion. Soft hues gently caress the models, illuminating their emotions as they bare their souls before the lens. The play of light and shadows adds depth to the narrative, amplifying the poignancy of the subjects' experiences, while also offering a glimpse of hope and transformation.

Journeying Through Vulnerability:

Each photograph takes us on an intimate journey through vulnerability and resilience. The models wear their emotions like badges of honor, embracing their uniqueness and allowing themselves to be seen in their most authentic forms. This act of vulnerability fosters a sense of connection with the viewer, as we witness the strength and coura​ge it takes to confront the pain of the past and the hope for a brighter future.